
These pages will give the reader a very brief summary, both pictorial & written of the main birding sites in Glamorgan VC41. The summaries will include habitat details and OS refs. For a more detailed version the reader should cross reference with Birding in Glamorgan (Alan Rosney & Richard Smith. pub. 2009 by GBC).


Local Sites
[These abbrviations of sites are the most commonly used by local observers in text]
BC/SE = Bristol Channel/Severn Estuary
CBWR = Cardiff Bay Wetlands Reserve
CCP = Cosmeston Country Park
CCR = Cors Crycydd Reen
KNNR = Kenfig National Nature Reserve
LPSS = Lavernock Point seawatching station
LNR = Local Nature Reserve
L & L Res or LLR = Llanishen & Lisvane Reservoirs
LWT = Lamby Way Tip
MMW = Merthyr Mawr Warren
PT-LL = Parc Tredelerch - Lamby Lake
RCT = Rhondda Cynon Taf
RE = Rhymney Estuary
RGW = Rumney Great Wharf
RPL = Roath Park Lake
T/EE = Taff/Ely Estuary
V of G = Vale of Glamorgan

[These abbreviations are of observations concerning birds]
BP = Breeding Pair
DC = Down Channel or >
UC = Up Channel or <
PP = Pale Phase
DP = Dark Phase
SP = Summer Plumage
WP = Winter Plumage
Juv = Juvenile
Imm = Immature
FY = Fledged Young

RSPB = Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
BBRC = British Birds Rarities Committee
RBBP = Rare Birds Breeding Panel
WRP = Welsh Records Panel
WOS = Welsh Ornithological Society
CNS = Cardiff Naturalists' Society
GBC = Glamorgan Bird Club
GOS = Gower Ornithological Society
GRC = Glamorgan Rarities Committee